Breakfast & Brunch!

Breakfast and Brunch Mom always said breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and she was probably right.  Breakfast (from the expression “to break fast”) gives you the energy to get going after a long night’s sleep. It should provide at least one fourth...

Crèpes and Blintzes

One of our favorite things is to make crèpes for Brunch.  Crèpes are thin, delicate, unleavened in a small, very hot sauté pan.  Crèpe batter can be flavored with buckwheat flour, cornmeal or other grains.  Crèpes are not eaten as is but are usually...


Onions are strongly flavored, aromatic members of the lily family. Most have edible grasslike or tubular leaves. Almost every culture  incorporates them into its cuisine as a vegetable and for flavoring. Common or bulb onions (Fr. Oignons) may be white, yellow...

The Spice Series – Coriander

Coriander is a wonderful spice used in both sweet and savory dishes.  It can be applied in both the whole seed or in ground form.  The whole seeds almost hold the appearance of a Chinese lantern with beautiful ridges running down the sides. Native to both Southern...

10 Ingredients to Always Have in Your Pantry

When setting up your kitchen there are a few items that should always be at hand. Having the essentials makes it very easy to cook from scratch. With these 10 items you will always have a base to start a meal from! 1. Olive Oil: preferably extra virgin olive oil. This...